Book Description:
Written to meet the most recent editions of IRC and IBC, this exceptional, full-color fifth edition is designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced architectural drafters and CAD operators alike. Architectural Drafting and Design, 5E features the basics of residential design through the various types of projects that a designer or architect would likely complete during the actual design process. Coverage begins with an introduction to architectural styles that have dominated the field over the last four centuries, followed by basic design components related to the site and structure. A hallmark of this best-seller is its step-by-step instructions for the design and layout of each type of drawing associated with a complete set of architectural plans, with projects that can be completed using either CAD or manual drawing methods. Readers will come away with the knowledge needed to complete each of the drawings required by most municipalities to obtain a building permit for a single-family residence. Comprehensive coverage also explores the field of commercial drafting, as well as basic materials used for construction, common construction methods, and drawings typically associated with commercial construction
This is the CD that came with the textbook. It has brief audio descriptions of each section and then a video. Video's range anywhere from 2 - 12 minutes and cover quite a bit of the info described in the book. Video's are pre encoded so don't blame me for the mediocer quality.
Topics Covered
Design Process
Multi-View Sketches
Line Weights
CADD - Setting up Layers
Site Plan
Floor Plans
Symbols - Floor Plans
Kitchen Design / Cabinet Layout
Dimensioning Floor Plan
Electrical Plans
Plumbing Plans
HVAC Drawings
Roof Types / Roof Pitches
Roof Plans
Exterior Elevations
Interior Elevations
Framing Methods
Framing Details
Roof Framing Plans
Floor Framing Plans
Types of Foundations Systems
Foundation Plans
Foundation Details
Building Wall Sections
Stair Layout
Fireplace and Chimneys
Presentation Drawings / Rendering Types
Two Point Perspective
One Point Perspective
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