Sunday, August 2, 2009
Analysing Architecture

Architecture on Sports Facilities

Research and Technology Buildings: A Design Manual

Modern Traditions: Contemporary Architecture in India

India is a lively and diverse country that in recent years has developed into one of the largest industrialized nations in the world. This process is also reflected in its architecture. Recent developments betray a new consciousness and the search for an Indian identity. International influences are merging with traditional styles to create a unique new architectural language, which also bears the stamp of Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn, who worked there.
In its introduction, the book depicts the rise of modern architecture in India since independence in 1947. The main section describes the important tendencies of contemporary Indian architecture in thematic chapters, each with built examples. In addition to the new younger generation of Indian architects, it also considers the first post-independence generation, including Balkrishna Doshi and Charles Correa.
Innovation in Architecture

Sustainability at the Cutting Edge

Sustainability at the Cutting Edge is an essential guide to understanding the future direction of sustainable technology. This fully updated new edition deals not only with current best practice and state of the art case studies, but with the very latest emerging technologies which will transform the relationship between buildings and energy.
Professor Smith describes how buildings can be made to significantly reduce their reliance on fossil-based energy by the use of solar and geothermal resources. He also describes a range of renewable energy generating technologies. As sustainable building becomes increasingly essential with the advance of climate change, government legislation and international treaties, this is valuable knowledge for every architect, engineer and designer.
This immensely practical book is packed with useful diagrams, charts and colour photographs to illustrate a variety of the most recent case studies, including the education building, the Core, at the Eden Project in Cornwall. As well as exploring cutting edge developments in photovoltaics (PV) this revised edition also includes the latest data from the 2006 Carbon Trust report on wave and tide, and new material on the latest advances in bioenergy and marine technologies.
Buildings are currently a major part of the carbon emissions problem. This book indicates how they may become part of the solution.
* Introduces the very latest in practical sustainability techniques
* First point of reference for all architects and engineers who want their designs to be both responsive and cutting edge
* Useful diagrams, graphs and photographs illustrate the diverse technologies being developed to create optimum eco-efficiency in our built environment

El Croquis - Frank Gehry

El Croquis Sanaa 1983-2004: Sejima Nishizawa 77(I)

Toyo Ito 1986-1995. (El Croquis Monographs, #71)

- Paperback: 188.0 pages
- Publisher: El Croquis (1996)